News Letter 2018

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"A small act of kindness is more powerful than a thousands heads bowed in prayer"


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Diwali with our childrent (2018)

December, 2018
Idhayangal Trustees decided to have a small get together on the eve of Diwali at their residence. We had around 6 families along with the children benefited by the Trust come together to have a day of fun. We had a day of singing, dancing and yoga at our community hall followed by flower pots and fun. All children had new Diwali dresses along with goodies, Parameswaran, one of our children was presented with his dream of having a cycle to get to school as the bus facilities were not adequate. Overall it was a great day where everyone forgot their worries and celebrated a great Diwali with the trustees and their familes.

A heart warming story

December, 2018
Vasantha, a 10 year old bright girl was admitted with severe diabetes and ear infection with a very high chance of death. With Idhayangal's support, she braved an ICU admission, two operations on the right ear, 6 weeks of very powerful, costly but life saving antibiotics and insulin to meet us on the last day of her antibiotic therapy and discharge. She dreams to be a scientist like our Great Abdul Kalam! We have promised all support to this child and their family to achieve her dreams. Our support would not have been possible without your support. The family requested me to convey their immense gratitude for all Idhayangal contributors and requested all your blessings for this bright young child.

The Sad Story of Sathya Prakash

December, 2018
IdhayangalCharitable Trust deeply mourns the death of Sathyaprakash, who is only 27 years old, he leaves behind his young wife and a 4 year old daughter. Sathyaprakash has had Type 1 diabetes for the past 10 years. Due to poor insight, lack of finance and lack of access to good doctors, he unfortunately developed kidney failure due to poorly controlled Type 1 diabetes. We have been supporting Sathyaprakash for the past one year with insulins, renal transplant work up and psychological support. He had a kidney transplant done 6 months ago but unfortunately got rejected. He has had a downhill course since then. In spite of all our support as well as the transplant doctors and the hospital, Sathyaprakash passed away 2 weeks ago, mainly because the family could not afford the care. I was the last one to see him in his death bed. With a deep pain in my heart and tears in my eyes, I asked Sathyaprakash whether he wanted to tell me anything. All he could muster was a faint smile, he thanked all the donors of Idhayangal Charitable Trust for the generous support over the last year, he said he had enough of pain over the last 4 years and wanted to die peacefully at home. His final 2 requests were to see whether we could help his daughter get a good education and support his wife and the last wish was for me and Idhayangal Trust to work harder so that no one with Type 1 diabetes gets his fate for want of better access to healthcare and insulins. He simply closed his eyes after these requests. A wave of sheer impotence spread through my heart in that in this day and age, we are still allowing a young chap with type 1 diabetes die with his full life before him, a great family and a beautiful daughter. We deeply mourn the death of Sathyaprakash, heartfelt condolences to his family.

Dear Contributor/ Well wisher.

Words are not enough to tell how grateful we all are for your contributions, we see every day what a change we make in these kids' lives and how much more work we need to do to ensure that there are no more Sathyaprakashes in future. Kindly spread the message of our work to family, friends, philanthropists, corporates and like-minded people, we need all the help. Also any help towards Sathyaprakash family in terms of the daughter's education or gainful employment for his wife is greatly appreciated. May God bless you, our family and friends with health, wealth and peace. As always, we sincerely believe in our motto: A small act of kindness is much more powerful than a thousand heads in prayer

Godliness in Hosur

December, 2018
We go in search of Gods to various temples around the world, for us it was a humbling and inspiring experience to see God & Godliness at Hosur. It all started with call from our friend and well wisher Dr CS Mani and his wife Dr Kamini that his father-in-law Shri Ramamoorthy, a 95 year old pensioner at Hosur was keen to contribute towards Idhayangal's causes. We made a day trip to Hosur to meet Shri Ramamoorthy, more to get his blessings and what a day it was! Shri Ramamoorthy hails from a small village near Kumbakonam and due to his sheer hard work he had made it to the top in Electronics. After the initial introduction, he enthusiastically enquired about our work, watched Idhayangal's videos and without a bit of hesitation wrote a cheque for Rs 2 lacs. Tears were rolling down our eyes to see an elderly pensioner innocently parting with 2 lacs of his hard earned money that he could have given to his extended family. All his request was to ensure that this contribution helps poor children with type 1 diabetes irrespective of caste, creed or religion ! What more Godliness can one see or why do we even go to temples to see God? Adding further, he had a small tear in his eye when he said that he watched his father die in the pre-1950s without medical help and poor finances and his dream is to ensure that no one, especially children suffer this fate. It was as though God wanted to teach us a lesson by driving to Hosur to keep telling us to do better by seeing gems like Shri Ramamoorthy & his wife. After a great coffee by Dr Kamini, we prostrated before Shri & Tmt Ramamoorthy and took leave of this unbelievable couple. We sincerely wish God gives great health, wealth and peace to this lovely couple. We hope we can celebrate his 100th birthday with Idhayangal's children. Below is the photograph of these great people.


Successful First Anniversary Celebrations

April, 2017
We successfully completed our first year of birth in India. Our annual day celebrations were held at Sitra auditorium, Coimbatore. The 500 seater was filled to capacity with our children, their families, donors and well-wishers. We remember April 2017 where we started with zero money and a lot of goodwill, over the one year period

The story of Parameeswaran

February, 2018
Parameeswaran is a bright 8 year old boy with Type 1 diabetes. He was recently referred with glucose of 750 mgs/ dl, completely dehydrated and in impending diabetic coma. His dad is in a mental asylum and his mother and grandmother are coolie labourers earning Rs 150 each per day. He has had Type 1 diabetes for 3 years, they have been running from pillar to post in search of some magic cure. Finally they had exhausted all options but by God's grace, heard about Idhayangal Charitable Trust and came to us. We admitted Parameswaran under our care, got him better and now he is on the best insulins at his door step. We have also provided him with a fridge to ensure that storage is properly followed. He is back to school. Idhayangal Charitable Trust, through your support, has made a great change in his life by supporting his admissions in a good hospital, getting him the best insulins and a fridge and supporting his school education.These are the words from his tearful grandmother, Ayya, we have never known where God is but we now see Gods in every one of you who have supported us in a time of need. Idhayangal Charitable Trust supports his school education. We dream of a day when Parameeswaran makes it big and gives back to society what he is getting now. Parameeswarn and his family, our donors during the fridge presentation.

BMJ South Asia awards 2018

February, 2018
Warm Regards from Idhayangal Charitable Trust Advance Diwali wishes to all you and family.
As of now, we are supporting 60 patients, predominantly children with Type 1 diabetes, all because of your goodwill.
We are delighted to share with you that we have been shortlisted for the BMJ South Asia awards 2018 as one of the best non-communicable disease initiatives of the year, we are hopeful to get to the final round from around 2000 applicants through out 7countries in South Asia, we have made it to round 2 of 36 entries from around 2000 ! Will update if we are lucky to go to the final round in Chennai on 1st December. On behalf of all our children from the Trust, we extend our happy diwali wishes.

Warm Regards

Swami on behalf of all trustees "A small act of kindness is more powerful than a thousand heads in prayer"

Donate to Idhayangal Charitable Trust

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