News Letter 2022

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"A small act of kindness is more powerful than a thousands heads bowed in prayer"


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Anita is Idhayangal Star of the Month

December, 2022
Anita type 1diabetes for 5 years, from remote hill village in interior Salem district, showing huge discipline on four times daily insulin, God given innocence and goodness, bringing one litre of pure mountain honey worth Rs 1500 inspite of their dire poverty, by pestering her dad along with beautiful drawing of Lord Ganesha as a present for Team Idhayangal, no amount of money is equal to the affection of this kid, Anita is idhayangal star of the month

Ajay is Idhayangal Star of the Month

December, 2022
Ajay presented to idhayangal 5 years ago emaciated with glucose of 500, fought back with absolute determination, got insulin pump courtesy of idhayangal donors, scored 651 in NEET, proudly showing admission to Stanley Medical college, dreaming of joining idhayangal team in the future, Ajay is idhayangal star of the month

Manoja is Idhayangal Star of the Month

December, 2022
Manoja from interior Theni district, battling brittle type 1diabetes since 2 years of age, partially sighted due to diabetic retinopathy, early kidney impairment, showing huge fight and determination to complete her nursing course, now appointed as Diabetes Educator for Theni and Madurai districts, proudly receiving her appointment order from Idhayangal, Manoja is idhayangal star of the month for showing utmost discipline and determination in face of huge adversity, swami

Idhayangal stars of the keerthi

November, 2022
Keerthi, 4 years of type 1 diabetes,supported by Idhayangal, mother is vegetable seller on streets, dad bed bound by chronic illness, showing fierce determination battling poverty, diabetes, dad's Illness to secure admission to medicine thru NEET, conveying her wish to be Idhayangal doctor once she finishes, Keerthi is Idhayangal star of the month, thanks to all of you in helping us do the impossible possible

Idhayangal stars of the Anjali

November, 2022
Anjali from deep interior Pollachi, shattered house due to rains, lost her dad, no electricity, presented with severe diabetic coma with A1c of 17.8 (glucoses more than 600), now completely transformed with all your support, house and electricity has been restored by Idhayangal well wishers in Pollachi, recent A1c 9, gained weight and looking awesome on Idhayangal diwali dress, Anjali her mother and sister, our well wishers are Idhayangal stars of the month Swami

Team Idhayangal celebrated Deepavali

October, 2022
Team Idhayangal celebrated Deepavali with 10 children with type 1 diabetes with single mothers, it was a joy to see our children, siblings and their mothers having the time of their lives with brand new dresses, songs, crackers completely forgetting their worries, it'was an emotional moment when one mother came on stage to say that she is happy for her child to have type 1 diabetes because she now feels she has a family with Idhayangal, all our children mothers are Idhayangal stars of the month, happy deepavali to all of you from Team Idhayangal and all our children Swami

Idhayangal Stars of the Month

October, 2022
Idhayangals dream of ensuring no single poor child with type 1 diabetes from Kashmir to Kanyakumari should suffer for want of best treatment, received a huge boost by the God given opportunity of supporting close to 50 underprivileged children with type 1 diabetes across Tirunelveli and Kanyakumari districts, Team Idhayangal we so privileged to educate and support these children, their attitude inspite of great adversity was heart warming, Beema Akka Australia Joshua from tuticorin, Dr Arun Viswanathan, all partners from Tirunelveli and Kanyakumari medical college hospitals are Idhayangal stars of the month Swami

Harshini is Idhayangal Heroine of the Month

October, 2022
Harshini from Madurai, Type 1 diabetes for 5'years, single mother, very difficult finances, doing extremely well on insulin pump, Hba1c 6.6, showing enormous generosity by donating her Rs 500 gift for her bday by a relative to other deserving children from Idhayangal, such a heart warming moment to see selfless charity from a young child during adversity, Harshini is Idhayangal heroine of the month

Madhushri is Idhayangal stars of the month

September, 2022
Madhushri from Conoor, battling brittle type 1 diabetes for 3 years, very poor family, dad is a labourer in market, such a talent to get district level prize at spelling competition, showing her enormous talent and receiving a Pro T-shirt from Idhayangal, please watch the 50 sec video, Madhushri is Idhayangal star of the month

Dhanapriya is Idhayangal Heroine of the Month

September, 2022
Dhanapriya from Cuddalore district, only daughter, dad labourer, fighting brittle type 1 diabetes for years, showing huge grit and determination, she would not touch a chocolate even on her birthday, doing extremely well through the insulin pump program thru Idhayangal, got her Hba1c levels from 13 to 7, presenting a valuable pen to Idhayangal team during her recent visit, for her sheer determination, discipline, kindness and gratitude, Kurinchipadi Dhanapriya is Idhayangal heroine of the month

Sundar Sreedevi and Anitha are Idhayangal stars of the month

September, 2022
Sundar, type 1 diabetes, poverty and visually impaired due to optic atrophy with tunnel vision still finding his way from Tirupur without any support, Sreedevi from Kangeyam, illeterate parents poor labourers, glucoses more than 600 initially, Anita from a remote hill village in deep interior Athur where one has to walk 5 kms to get to the nearest bus stop, all showing huge grit determination, fight but most importantly happiness at whatever life throws at them, looking so contented with the long term glucometer and strips support, Sundar Sreedevi and Anitha are Idhayangal stars of the month

Stephen Raj is Idhayangal stars of the month

August, 2022
Stephen Raj all of 3 years of age, struggling family brittle type 1 diabetes on four times a day insulin,recent recovery from cardiac arrest, nothing seems to dampen Stephens zest for life, this happy go lucky child always smiling teaching grown ups how to live a life without complaining, with such a great attitude and fierce determination, Stephen and his dedicated mother are Idhayangal stars of the month

Swetha is Idhayangal Heroine of the Month

May, 2022
Joys of Idhayangal, the absolute faith and affection that children have towards the team has to be seen to be believed, moment of immense goodness when child Swetha recovering from a particularly bad diabetic emergency comes for a happy cuddle, again things that money can't buy, Swetha is the Idhayangal heroine of the month

Swetha and Priya is Idhayangal Heroines of the Month

July, 2022
Two tiny tots having a great time at our Idhayangal Trust centre,discussing important issues! Great to see both kids looking very happy after recent diagnosis of type 1 diabetes recovered from diabetic coma, Swetha and Priya are Idhayangal heroines of the month

Rithika is Idhayangal Heroine of the Month

July, 2022
Rithika from Tiruppur, type 1 diabetes for 2 years, lost her dad, mother and Rithika working hard on diabetes, maintaining glucoses between 100-200 mgs/ dl, receiving the Best Child Award from Idhayangal, Rithika is Idhayangal heroine of the month

Nilofer and Dowlath is Idhayangal Heroines of the Month

July, 2022
Nilofer and Dowlath both of them sisters and residents of an orphanage in Trichy, both paralysed waist down since birth, severe hyperglycemia for both 3 months ago with glucoses more than 500, most painful situation of having to rush to the rest room about 15 times in the night due to uncontrolled diabetes, hats off to both these God bleesed kids to show such determination in the face of great adversity on a recent visit to Coimbatore,so happy and doing well on insulin, Nilofer and Dowlath are Idhayangal heroines of the month Swami

Iniya is Idhayangal Heroine of the Month

July, 2022
Iniya completely emaciated and malnourished a year ago with uncontrolled type 1 diabetes and poverty, transformed completely with God's blessings, all your support and Idhayangal team's hardwork, excellent determination on insulin pump, before and after images along with a great dance, poverty outside,richness in strength and determination inside, Iniya is Idhayangal heroine of the month

Swetha is Idhayangal Heroine of the Month

May, 2022
Swetha from a rural forested area near Sathyamangalam, struggling family, extremely high glucoses with major diabetic coma admission just 2 weeks ago, looking so happy during yesterday's follow up, the awesome smile of this child is so heart warming, Swetha is Idhayangal heroine of the month Swami

Madhusri from Athur

May, 2022
Madhusri from Athur, Type 1 diabetes, extremely difficult health and financial circumstances, supported by Idhayangal Charitable Trust with insulin pumps and education, bagging the first prize for 100m run and second on 400m relay, making a statement that sky is the limit, mother in absolute tears of joy as Madhusri was branded as having a bleak few years prior to Idhayangal intervention, thanks for all your support Swami

Isaipriya is Idhayangal Star of the Month

May, 2022
Isai priya just 1 year and eight months of age, battling brittle type 1 diabetes, on four insulin injections a day, demonstrating how to use the advanced glucose sensor to Idhayangal team, this awesome child's smartness,grit and determination at this tender age is Godly, Isaipriya is Idhayangal star of the month, Swami

Sathya is Idhayangal Heroine of the Month

May 2022
Sathya from Tenkasi, type 1 diabetes recovered from severe diabetic coma 8 years ago and doing extremely well with Idhayangal support getting married'at Cuddalore, humbling goose flesh moment when she requested me to give the mangal sutra inspite of all the family around, God bless the couple, Sathya is Idhayangal heroine of the month Swami

Inauguration of Project Madhuram

April, 2022
Idhayangal Charitable Trust and Rotary Coimbatore Gaalaxy are happy to inaugurate Project Mathuram supporting 70 underprivileged children with type 1 diabetes across Coimbatore district for 2years with best insulins consumables blood investigations and rehabilitation of families, deeply grateful for all partnering rotaries in Tanjore, New York and Sourh Dakota for their relentless efforts to make this project possible Swami

Yogalaksmi is Idhayangal Star of the Month

April, 2022
Yogalaksmi from Tiruvannamalai, very brittle diabetes now doing extremely well on insulin pump, rank poverty outside but absolute richness in heart, presenting this surprise gift for my birthday at our home, great things that mere money can't buy, Yoga is Idhayangal star of the month, Swami

Devisaipriya is Idhayangal Heroine of the Month

April, 2022
Devisaipriya, an absolute sweet heart, all of 2 years old, recovered from major diabetic coma recently, demonstrating how to use insulin pen, God bless her for her grit and determination in adversity, Isaipriya is Idhayangal heroine of the month


April, 2022
Kiruthiga happily going home yesterday with her baby, battled brittle type 1 diabetes for 14 years, huge thanks to all Idhayangal donors and well-wishers by supporting Kiruthiga with insulin pump therapy, consumables and blessings, family and Idhayangal convey their heartfelt thanks, great to go home with a bundle of joy, Swami

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